Founding Members Five Drive

If you are already a Member with us, fantastic! You are considered a Founding Member because this is our first year in operation. Thank you for standing for equality and civil rights for everyone here in the North Shore. Because of you, we have a strong voice and will make lasting change. And we want to grow stronger.

Since the beginning of December, we’ve been asking our Members to spread the word in their own circles, by asking family and friends to join us. Here’s a handy email template that you can alter and use as your own to make it easier for you to make the ask.

We also offer Gift Memberships, so if you’d like to purchase on $30 Annual Adult Membership for a friend, you can do so, and we can make sure it gets delivered to your friend with a holiday message.

Let us know if you have any questions and we’ll be happy to help you spread the word!

Here’s the email template:


Something happened to me recently and I can't ever go back to where I was before. It was a shift in realization and I now know that simply believing in social justice isn't enough; I must stand up for it in a real way.

I don't want my kids to grow up in segregated neighborhoods [like I did], watching murders happening on social media as par for course [like I do], or having to deal with the daily tensions [and sadness] caused by systemic racism [like we all do right now!].

So, I've joined a group of good people in my town who want to make lasting and real change in the fight against systemic racism and civil injustice.
And, I'm emailing you right now.
We have formed a local 'North Shore MA NAACP' branch, and we want to grow that membership to 1,000 so that our voice is irrefutable.
Will you join me?
I'm asking you to submit your application and fee of $30 to help us realize the goal of creating this branch here so that all people can be represented and supported in our region. You can Join Online here. Please know the NAACP will never share your details with anyone outside of the organization, and they will never publish their membership list.
You don't have to be based in the North Shore. You could be anywhere and willing to support the creation of this local branch so that the power and reach of the NAACP is strengthened.
I'm trying to help make this happen so that, long after the headlines of recent Black Lives Matter protests, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmed Arbery are distant hashtags, we can create something that is lasting and impactful in the fight for true justice for everyone. We can increase NAACP's membership so that their voice is not only as strong as the NRA and AARP but so strong that politicians and industry leaders have to finally listen and join the fight for civil rights for all.
I really hope you will join me because I believe you and I can make a real, relatively small but mighty positive difference, in this way.

Much Love, [your name]
P.S. If you can, forward this request to other friends who might want to help this effort!


He had the Dream. You make it Reality.


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